Saturday, June 21, 2008

Chapter 7

I do believe that timing is everything. And when people are speaking to one another timing really comes into play. I do agree with the book in that in some situations disclosure should come right away and in other situations, it should wait. But that is the responsibility of the person who wants to convey their message to learn just when the right time or when it is not to disclose information. I do agree with the research that states that if disclosure comes to soon people are seen as less mature. Not only that but also for me I also get a very negative perception about their message and about they may feel in talking with me or my feelings. I do believe that people who disclose to much too soon or phony and are just trying to be liked to a great extent and its almost like they will tell you what they think you want to her in order for them to be liked or whatever their motive may be. However, again, in situations where the disclosure should and needs to come right away, I don’t have that same negative feeling. And yes, if some disclosure comes too soon, I may be more likely to block out the message that the sender is trying to share with me. And yes at times I feel the curvilinear relationship in which as the book states is which positive evaluations of the person disclosing increases up to the point were it gets to intense and then my positives decrease and my negatives increase. It’s better to try and keep the disclosures on an even playing field. But just like everything in life, its all about the timing.

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